National Achievement Test (NATG12) Reviewer for Grade 12

Policy Guidellnes on the National Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education Program
The Department of Education (DepEd) will administer the National
Achievement Test for Grade 12 (NATG12) for School Year (SY) 2022-2023 on January
30 and 31, 2023, pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 55 s. 2016 titled Policy
Guidellnes on the lvational Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic
Educatioa Program.All currently enrolled Grade 12 learners in public and private
schools will take the test through a paper-based modality. With these, students need to prepare through the use of these National Achievement Test Reviewer for Grade 12.
In reference to DO 029, s. 2022 titled Adoptioa of the Basic EducatioD
Monitoring aad Evaluation Framework, DepEd has to identify and articulate
indicators and targets for measuring performance in the development of plans and
These indicators will be used for the assessment of the effectiveness and
efficiency of the delivery of education services. The results of system assessments will
serve as evidence and proxy indicator for the improvement of the curriculum
implementation, evidence-based decision-making, and results-based Monitoring and
What is National Achievement Test (NATG12)?
The National Achievement Test Reviewer for Grade 12 will be used to help teachers and students to prepare for one of the exit assessments under the national assessment framework of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. It is designed to determine if graduating learners are meeting the learning standards in the senior high school (SHS) curriculum. The result of the NATGl2 provides data on the percentage of Grade 12 Iearners attaining at least the minimum level of proficiency in the Stage 4 SHS core a.reas over the total number of Grade 12 learners. Each learner will be provided with a Certihcate of Rating (COR) with the learner's actual rating per core subject area for SY 20221023.
Coverage of the National Achievement Test (NATG12)
The test shall cover 21st-century skills and the core SHS learning areas of Languages, Humanities, Communication, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and Philosophy. The test design is progressive in nature wherein test items measure varying levels of skills. The language of the assessment tool shall be English and Filipino while the test item format shall be multiple-choice. Download below.
- Contemporary arts from the regions
- General Mathematics
- Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School
- Reading and Writing
- General Chemistry 2
- Statistics
- Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
- Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng ibat - ibang konstekto tungo sa pananaliksik
- General BIology 1
- General Physics 1
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