Deped Recognition and awarding certificates (FREE Editable)

1. In line with the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, otherwise known as Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (K to 12 Law), the Department of Education (DepEd) is adopting the enclosed Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
2. These awards have been designed to formally recognize the outstanding performance and achievement of learners in academics, leadership, and social responsibility, among other aspects of student progress and development. These awards are given to encourage learners to strive for excellence and to become proactive members of the school and community.
3. All learners, including transferees, who have met the standards, criteria, and guidelines set by this policy shall be recognized.
4. There can be two or more recipients of any award. However, should there be no qualified learner, the awards shall not be given.
5. For learners in the Special Education (SpEd) program who follow the K to 12 Curriculum, the same policy guidelines shall apply. Learners using a modified curriculum may receive recognition in the class based on their performance in meeting the standards of their curriculum.
6. Effective School Year 2016-2017, the Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Program shall be implemented in public elementary and secondary schools, including Grade 6 classes under the old Basic Education Curriculum (BEC).
7. Private schools, higher education institutions (HEls), technical-vocational institutions (TVIs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local universities and colleges (LUCs) offering basic education or any grade levels thereof, shall be responsible for promulgating their policy guidelines on awards and recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Program, consistent with these policies and guidelines. Any modifications in the guidelines should be subject to the approval of the DepEd Regional Office.
Why students needs recognition?
A great way to students be eager to learn more and sustain their hardwork and persevrance to excel is by appeciaiting their efforts and recognizing their achievements. Creating that type of environment will help them feel supported, build their self-esteem and increase confidence. A simple incentive to show support is to hand out certificates and reward them for their achievement. Not only does this build their self-esteem, but it also motivates them to be more productive and creates a feeling of pride. This simple gesture could mean the world to a student. Using some type of a reward system as a means of celebrating a student’s academic achievement will assist in setting a good behavioral pattern in the classroom.
Students of all age groups appreciate recognition for the hard work they put into their studies.
Sample Deped Certificates that you can use for your Student's recognition
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