A GSIS Educational Subsidy Program (GESP) is a form of financial to be given to dependents of qualified program recipients enrolled in any year level in a Commission on Higher Education (CHED) registered private or state college or university. GSIS aims to extend aid to more recipients and support our members’ aspiration to fulfill their and their dependent’s educational aspiration.
The GESP recipient shall be entitled to a subsidy of One Thousand Pesos (Php1,000.00) not to exceed Ten Thousand Pesos (Php10,000.00) per academic year. The GESP grant is non-transferable.
All active GSIS member with permanent employment status may nominate provided that:
The member shall be allowed to nominate one (1) student who meets the following qualifications:
For applicants with sectoral group affiliation, please submit the following additional requirements:
4. The member and student/ recipient shall be given sixty (60) days from the first date of publication to submit the following requirements at the nearest GSIS office;
For New Student Grantee:
For Old Grantees:
* Failure to submit said requirements within the prescriptive period shall render the subsidy forfeited.
Corporate Social Advocacies and Public Relations Facilities Department
Direct line: (02)-84793571 / (02)-84793572
Mobile no.: 09157364175
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