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Back to School Midyear Break PowerPoint Presentation

Back to School Midyear Break PowerPoint Presentation

As expressed in DepEd Request No. 34 series of 2022 or the School Schedule and Exercises for the School Year 2022-2023, there will be a midyear break in state funded schools the nation over from Feb. 6 to 10.For this school year, the Midyear Execution Audit and Assessment (MPRE) and In-Administration Preparing (INSET) will be led during the five-day midyear break.During the MPRE, the school's advancement in the execution of the instructive projects, ventures, and exercises, as well as in checking on the exhibition of educators and the school staff to address worries through helpful exertion will be assessed.

The INSET, then again, is a "methodology of expert advancement that expects to ceaselessly create, upgrade, and work on the capability of educators, non-showing faculty, and school pioneers through formal or casual expert improvement exercises planned around unambiguous business related improvement targets."

After the INSET the teachers are expected to come back to school and start the third quarter lessons. In order to prepre the students emotionally and mentally here is the powerpoint presentation we can use to welcome them and activities that will make them at ease.

This powerpoint presentation is from the Classpoint philippines community posted by Mr. Bert Reyes. You can visit their group here in the link

Please make a copy of the file before editing. Click File, Make a copy then entire presentation.

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