Learning Pal

How to make your own Deped ID Template

Deped ID Template

You may have heard about Deped ID Templates before but did you know they're actually really easy to create yourself? In this article, we'll show you how! With just a few clicks, you can easily create your own Deped ID template. It's as easy as that!

1. Create a new document with the size you need.

To start creating your DepED ID template you need to think first what medium or application you will create your Deped ID template like (microsoft word, powerpoint or in canva.Next, choose the size you’d like your template to be (e.g., A4) for our example we will create it in canva with a size of width is 21 cm and the height is  29.7 cm.

2. Design your Deped ID Template (add image and text)

Now that you are decided with the type of file you will use, next is we need to add some text or images to make it more interesting. In canva you can search for text and design you want to incorporate in your ID template.

3. Save it as PDF, PNG or JPG.

Once you’ve added your own images, save it as pdf so that the format will not change. 

4. Print it.

Now that you’ve got your template ready, you can now print it. Make sure to double check the student information in the identification card to avoid errors and save resources. 

5. Free Canva Deped I.D Template

If you want to have a free Deped ID template in canva, you can check the file below. Make sure to make a copy before you edit the file so that it will be save to your canva personal account.

This template is made by Jelly Joy Rosario Fernandez.

Copy of ID design 1 by Learning Pal
Downloading the file please wait.

Click here for more Deped files and learning resources > Deped Files 

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