Grade 1 Matatag Second Periodical Test in Mathematics

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Are you a teacherlooking for quality assessment materials for Grade 1 Mathematics? You’re in the right place! The DepEd Matatag Curriculum emphasizes a strong foundation in basic math skills. To support this, we’ve prepared the Grade 1 Matatag Second Periodical Test in Mathematics, and it’s available for free download.
The learner demonstrates knowledge, skills, and understanding in relation to the curriculum content domains Number and Algebra (whole numbers up to 100; ordinal numbers up to 10th; addition of numbers with sums up to 20; place value in any 2-digit number; addition of numbers, with sums up to 100; subtraction of numbers where both numbers are less than 100; repeating patterns, fractions ½ and ¼; the denominations and values of Philippine coins and bills up to ₱100; addition of money where the sum is up to ₱100 and subtraction of money where both amounts are less than ₱100); Measurement and Geometry (simple 2-dimensional shapes; measurement of length and distance using non-standard units; the movement of objects in half turn or quarter turn, in clockwise or counter clockwise direction; time measured in hours, half-hours, quarter hours, days, weeks, months, years); and Data and Probability (pictographs without a scale for the representation of data). This knowledge, skills, and understanding is applied, with the use of technology, to the processes within Mathematics of critical thinking, problem solving, communicating, reasoning, and making connections between topic areas.
Content Standards
- Measurement and Geometry (MG)
- Number and Algebra (NA)
Content Standards
- measurement of length and distance using non-standard units.
- place value in any 2-digit number.
- addition of numbers, with sums up to 100.
Learning Competencies
- measure the length of an object and the distance between two objects using non-standard units.
- compare lengths and distances using non-standard units.
- solve problems involving lengths and distances using non-standard units.
- order numbers up to 100 from smallest to largest, and vice versa.
- counts by 2s, 5s and 10s up to 100.
- determine a. the place value of a digit in a 2-digit number, b. the value of a digit, and c. the digit of a number, given its place value
- decompose any 2-digit number into tens and ones.
- add numbers by expressing addends as tens and ones (expanded form).
- add numbers with sums up to 100 without regrouping, using a variety of concrete and pictorial models for: a. 2-digit and 1-digit numbers, and b. 2-digit and 2-digit numbers.
- solve problems (given orally or in pictures) involving addition with sums up to 100 without regrouping.
Performance Standards
By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to …
• use non-standard units to compare and measure length and distance. (MG)
• order and decompose (into tens and ones) numbers up to 100. (NA)
• perform addition of numbers with sums up to 100. (NA)
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