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Homeroom Guidance Modules

The DepEd Homeroom Guidance modules is designed to develop the life skills among learners. Complete Homeroom Guidance Modules from 1st quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter and Fourth quarter. These modules are from the department of education. Download the Homeroom Guidance modules from Kindergarten to Senior high school below.

What Is DepEd Homeroom Guidance?

DepEd Homeroom Guidance, an integral part of the Philippine Department of Education’s educational system, plays a pivotal role in nurturing the academic and personal growth of students. It involves a structured and supportive approach where a designated teacher, known as a homeroom adviser, serves as a mentor and guide to a specific group of students throughout their academic journey. This program focuses on addressing not only the academic needs but also the socio-emotional development of students, ensuring their well-rounded growth.

  1. Quarter 1

    1. Quarter 1 – Module 1: The Real Me  (MELC: identify the developmental changes that you experienced;)

    2. Quarter 1 – Module 2 – Let’s E.A.R.N R.E.S.P.E.C.T (MELC: identify the roles and importance of others as part of family, school and community;.)

    3. Quarter 1 – Module 3 – Ready, Set, Go! (MELC: identify the advantages of effective study habits;.)

  2. Quarter 2

    1. Quarter 2 – Module 4: I Get It! (MELC: enumerate the steps and outcome of effective decision-making skills😉

    2. Quarter 2 – Module 5: Achieving Success in School (MELC: identify positive experiences in school to contribute meaningfully to family and community.)

    3. Quarter 2 – Module 6: Career Outlook: Connecting to the Future (MELC: identify important information about your desired career.)

  3. Quarter 3

    1. Quarter 3 – Module 7: Be Aware! Stay Safe! (MELC: identify different ways of personal care and safety including the use of social media;)

    2. Quarter 3 – Module 8: Parental Guidance is Recommended (MELC:identify the influence of significant others in responding to personal and social issues.)

    3. Quarter 3 – Module 9: Be Proactive! Develop Problem-Solving Skills (MELC: identify issues and problems relating to self, home, school and community.)

    4. Quarter 3 – Module 10: Be an Achiever! Enrich Knowledge and Skills (MELC: enumerate the knowledge and skills gained from school and community activities.)

    5. Quarter 3 – Module 11: Express Yourself! Achieve Your Goals (MELC: describe one’s career goals.)

  4. Quarter 4

    1. Quarter 4 – Module 12: Get Connected With Others for More Discovery (MELC: determine the needs of the family, the school and the community.)

    2. Quarter 4 – Module 13: Get Involved and Feel Alright (MELC: identify ways on how to respond to the needs of the community.)

    3. Quarter 4 – Module 14: Unleash Your Potentials and Reach Out (MELC: identify one’s skills and talents that can be used in participating to community activities.)

3. Quarter 3

4Quarter 4

3. Quarter 3

4. Quarter 4

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