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Grade 4 Matatag First Periodical Test in MAPEH

Grade 4 Matatag First Periodical Test in MAPEH

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The learners demonstrate fundamental health practices, movements, and fitness skills in promoting personal, family, community, and societal wellness for active and healthy living.

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of hygiene practices, basic health appraisals, and target games in promoting personal wellness for active and healthy living. Performance Standard: The learners participate in health practices and target games in promoting personal wellness for active and healthy living.

Learning Competencies:

The learners… 1. explain the concept and importance of personal health for active living; 2. demonstrate proper personal hygiene practices; 3. relate current health status to body awareness; and 4. perform physical activities using target game concepts with agility, balance, coordination, and speed for active and healthy living: a. locomotor skills by avoiding an object or obstacles, and b. manipulative skills by sending or propelling an object to an intended area. 


Introduction to Personal Health

  • Concept of Personal Health
  • Importance of Personal Health for Active Living

Personal Hygiene Practices

  • Objective: To Keep Body Clean, Healthy, And Disease-Free
  • Examples: Proper Handwashing, Care of the Sense Organs, Oral Care, Body Care, and Genital Care

Current Health Status and Body Awareness

  • Conduct of Health Appraisal Procedures (Height and Weight Measurement (BMI), Hearing Test, Vision Screening, Scoliosis Test, Health Examination (Skin, Hair, And Nail), and Dental Examination ● Identification of Health Concerns and Corrective Action

Physical Activity Participation: Target Games  

  • Focus Foundational Skills 1. Movement Concept – Relationship with People and Object 2. Movement Skills – Locomotor, Manipulative 3. Fitness Concepts – Agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed – Intensity: Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activities (MVPA) 4. Game Concepts – Positioning (People and Location in Space) – Relationship to Objects: Sending Away (Throw and Strike)


Periodical tests, like the Grade 4 Matatag First Periodical Test, are essential for gauging student progress and identifying areas for improvement. By downloading and utilizing free test files, teachers, parents, and students can benefit from a cost-effective and convenient resource that aligns with the curriculum. Prepare well, use the test files effectively, and remember—every test is an opportunity to learn and grow!

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Download the Grade 4 1st Periodical Test MAPEH

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