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Grade 4 Matatag First Periodical Test in Math 4

Grade 4 Matatag First Periodical Test in Math 4

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The learner demonstrates knowledge, skills, and understanding in relation to the curriculum content domains Number and Algebra (whole numbers up to 1 000 000; addition of numbers with sums up to 1 000 000 and subtraction of numbers where both numbers are less than 1 000 000; multiplication of whole numbers with products-up to 1 000 000; division of up to 4-digit numbers by up to 2-digit numbers, and the MDAS rules; addition and subtraction of similar fractions, including mixed numbers; dissimilar and equivalent fractions; factors and multiples of numbers up to 100; addition and subtraction of dissimilar fractions; simple patterns; number sentences; decimal numbers and their relationship to fractions); Measurement and Geometry (right, acute, and obtuse angles; properties of triangles and quadrilaterals; perimeter of quadrilaterals, and composite figures composed of triangles and quadrilaterals; conversion of units of length, mass, capacity, and time; symmetric figures and designs; reflection with shapes); and Data and Probability (presentation and interpretation of data in tabular form and in a single line graph). This knowledge, skills, and understanding is applied, with the use of technology, to the processes within Mathematics of critical thinking, problem solving, communicating, reasoning, and making connections between topic areas.

Content Standards

  1. measures of angles
  2. properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.
  3. perimeter of quadrilaterals, and composite figures composed of triangles and quadrilaterals.
  4. whole numbers up to 1 000 000.
  5. addition of numbers with sums up to 1 000 000 and subtraction of numbers where both numbers are less than 1 000 000.

Performance Standards

By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to …

  • illustrate and measure different angles (MG)
  • classify triangles and quadrilateral, and differentiate quadrilaterals, by applying their properties. (MG)
  • find the perimeter of quadrilaterals and composite figures composed of triangles and quadrilaterals. (MG)
  • read, write, and compare whole numbers up to 1 000 000. (NA)
  • performs addition of numbers with sums up to 1 000 000 and subtraction of numbers where both numbers are less than 1 000 000. (NA)

Learning Competencies

  1. illustrate different angles (right, acute, and obtuse) using models.
  2. measure and draw angles using a protractor.
  3. draw and state the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.
  4. classify triangles and quadrilaterals according to sides and angles.
  5. differentiate different quadrilaterals.
  6. find the perimeter of quadrilaterals that are not squares or rectangles.
  7. find the perimeter of composite figures composed of triangles and quadrilaterals.
  8. read and write numbers up to 1 000 000 in numerals and in words.
  9. determine a. the place value of a digit in a 6-digit number, b. the value of a digit, and c. the digit of number, given its place value.
  10. compare numbers up to 1 000 000 using =, < and >.
  11. round numbers to the nearest hundred thousand.
  12. estimate the sum and difference of two 5- to 6-digit numbers by rounding the addends to the nearest large place value of the numbers.
  13. add numbers with sums up to 1 000 000 and subtracts numbers where both numbers are less than 1 000 000, with and without regrouping.


Periodical tests, like the Grade 4 Matatag First Periodical Test, are essential for gauging student progress and identifying areas for improvement. By downloading and utilizing free test files, teachers, parents, and students can benefit from a cost-effective and convenient resource that aligns with the curriculum. Prepare well, use the test files effectively, and remember—every test is an opportunity to learn and grow!

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Quarter 1

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Download the Grade 4 1st Periodical Test MAPEH

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