Grade 4 Matatag First Periodical Test in Science 4

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At the end of Grade 4, learners describe chemical properties of materials and that changes to them are sometimes harmful. They identify that plants and animals have systems whose function is to keep them alive. They observe, describe, and create representations to show how living things interact with their habitat, survive, and reproduce. They use diagrams to show the feeding relationship among different organisms. Learners use simple equipment to identify types of soil that hold water and support plant growth. Learners use simple equipment and processes to measure and record data about movement, and describe and predict how things around them move. They describe the concepts of speed and force. They recognize that science processes are used to gain deeper understanding about the properties of magnets, light, sound, and heat. Learners apply their developing observation skills and objectivity to identify where energy is evident in their local communities and how it is used by people. They use instruments and secondary sources to measure and describe the characteristics of weather and use the information to make predictions. Learners demonstrate appreciation for the dangers of extreme weather events and use safe practice to protect themselves. Learners use personal observations and reliable secondary information sources to describe the sun and explain its importance to life on Earth. They exhibit objectivity and open-mindedness in gathering information related to environmental issues and concerns in the community.
Content Standards
- Science inventions have brought about major changes to our daily lives.
- Chemical properties of materials determine their uses.
- Communication skills and open mindedness are needed in solving environmental issues
Performance Standards
By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to …
By the end of the Quarter, learners describe chemical properties of materials and changes to them. They demonstrate an understanding that science processes can solve everyday problems and use creativity and determination to provide examples. They exhibit objectivity and openmindedness in gathering information related to environmental issues and concerns in the community.
Learning Competencies
- use information from secondary sources to identify a famous Filipino and/or foreign scientist and their invention/s;
- use information from the home or the local community to identify a science invention and explain its impact on their everyday life;
- describe the chemical properties of materials, such as they can be burnt, react with other materials, or are degradable or biodegradable;
- describe changes in properties of materials when exposed to certain changes in temperature, such as changes when wood or coal are burned;
- demonstrate ways to minimize harmful changes in materials, such as restriction of burning of waste materials, and care in handling reactive materials;
- identify issues and concerns in the local community and how they could be addressed by science, such as the treatment of waste; and
- apply science process skills and attitudes in conducting a guided survey about environmental issues and concerns including grouping and classifying, communicating, and open mindedness.
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